Riddles ,brain teasers and puzzles for kids and adults with answers

 Riddle meaning :- A riddle is described as a puzzle or mystery which is posed to be solved or guessed. These are sometimes treated as jokes or appear to be non sense. They are considered as good brain exercises.

Here are some English tricky riddles for adults and kids with answers .

1. I am tall when I'm young and I'm short when I'm old. What am I ?

ANSWER= (B) Candle


2. I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I ?

ANSWER= (D) Seven


3. What has hands but can not clap ?

ANSWER= (A) Clock


4. Which has more mass - a kilo of bricks or a kilo of feathers ?

ANSWER= (A) Both have equal


5. What is full of holes but still holds water ?

ANSWER= (D) Sponge


6. What never ask questions but is often answered ?

ANSWER= (C) Doorbell


7. How many months have 28 days ?

ANSWER= (B) All months


8. What is at the end of a rainbow ?



9. What is easy to get into , but hard to get out of ?

ANSWER= (B) Trouble


10. What starts with letter 't' , is filled with 't' and ends with 't' ?

ANSWER= (D) Teapot

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